工作職掌: |
12.統籌辦理英文教師甄選事宜。 |
Education學歷: |
B.A. Department of Education, Minor in Foreign Language, National Chengchi University
美國加州拿西諾大學(LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY)教育行政與領導碩士畢
M.A. Administration and Leadership, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA. U. S. A. |
Experience經歷: |
Teacher at The Affiliated Elementary School of TungHai University
Teacher at TaiAn Elementary School, Taichung
English Teacher and Section Chief of Academic Affairs and Students Affairs at TongXing Elementary School, Taichung
Mandarin Advisor of Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Taichung City
Lecturer at Department of Applied English, National Taichung University of Science and Technology |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Adaptive Teaching
As an old saying goes “Everyone is good at something”, every child is an unique individual and has his or her special potential and talent. The most important responsibility and value of a teacher is to utilize his or her own expertise in teaching and inspiring students in accordance with their aptitude, nurturing their ability to think independently, seeking knowledge through active learning, fostering their aggressiveness in learning, and eventually reaching the goal of education and therefore, completing self-actualization.
Building Positive Learning Attitude
Attitude determines the altitude of life. Building positive learning attitude lays a solid foundation for children both on their path of seeking knowledge and developing characters. With good characters, children will have greater enthusiasm towards learning, hold responsible, aggressive and innovative attitude, cultivate strong motivation for learning, and also gain more sense of achievement to build enough confidence toward the road of success.
Teaching in A Multiple, Diverse, Lively and Technological Way
Teachers should build a secure, comfortable and delightful learning environment, and establish good interactive relationship with students. Through multiple teaching materials, lively and diverse teaching activities and modern technology application, teachers can boost children’s interest in learning, increase their willingness to learn and then broaden and deepen the learning.
Learning in Teamwork and Its Relationship with Innovation
Enable children to learn how to cooperate with others in teamwork. In this way, they can learn how to respect others, share with others, and further to spark innovation and critical thinking skills. With the improvement in English, children will be equipped with global vision and broadened horizon when looking into the future.
Education學歷: |
Chung Hua University, Taiwan (Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature)
Carson-Newman University, US (Master of Arts in TESOL) |
Experience經歷: |
樹人醫護專科學校 兼任英文講師
國立雲林科技大學 國際事務處
高雄市甲仙區小林國小 英語推動教師
2015 Best Education 創新KDP國際認證獎-英語類-甲等
2015 Best Education 創新KDP國際認證獎-綜合類-優等
東大附小 ESL 老師 (present) |
Specialties專長: |
英語創意教學 / 英語桌遊教學 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
英語對於小朋友來說,是個非常熟悉的科目,但大多數的時候,英文不外乎是一門考科,或只是與日常生活脫節的教室英文。所以我的目標是要能讓英語與學生的生活經驗相聯結,讓小朋友能從中無壓力且快樂的學習,本著熱忱與耐心,陪同學生一起成長,協助並帶領學生從英語學習的過程中發掘興趣與成就感。 |
工作職掌: |
Education學歷: |
Scales Elementary School(Tempe, Arizona) 幼稚園,國小(1~4年級就讀美國亞利桑那州小學)
University of Nevada-Reno Masters of Arts TESOL (美國內華達州立大學 雷諾分校 英語教學研究所畢業)
Experience經歷: |
英文隨隊翻譯 宜蘭縣政府文化中心
ESL 實習老師Truckee Meadows Community College (Reno, Nevada)
英文講師 威爾斯美語中心-逢甲分校
東大附小 ESL 老師 (present) |
Specialties專長: |
Reading Comprehension/ Critical thinking |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
我小時後的求學背景與大部分台灣的小朋友不同。在我11歲之前,是在美國亞利桑那州唸書, 故在學習英文方面對我來說像是學母語一樣的自然樂。希望我也能為台灣的小朋製造類似的環境, 將英文生活化與生動化,由遣淺入深循序漸進,聽力方面著重於情境引導,讓學生學習可以如臨 現場有意義。口說方面則讓學生即時應答互動以培養獨立應對能力。讓小朋友覺得學英文是在學習 一種語言而不又是一個繁重的科目。 |
工作職掌: |
11.主任交辦其他事項。 |
Education學歷: |
Brigham Young University — Hawaii Campus
Major: Business Education
Certified: International Teacher Certificate
Experience經歷: |
台中市葳格雙語小學ESL教師 |
Specialties專長: |
英文演講指導/語言翻譯 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
我認為學習態度與方法是教育的重點,正確的 學習態度是根本,我希望同學能尊重學習、負責學 習、獨立學習,我的工作就是引起並保持學生求知 的興趣。學習的方法包括運用工具書、尋求資源、 閱讀策略、讀書方法等等,有了這些技能,求知之 路才能長久。除此之外,透過語言的學習,孩子能 接觸不同的文化、種族、觀點,培養同學開闊的胸 襟,用「心」的角度看世界,用新的邏輯來思考。 |
姓 名: |
Angela Lin 林巧欣 |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
skydream0116@gmail.com |
工作職掌: |
Education學歷: |
Experience經歷: |
Specialties專長: |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Education學歷: |
英國愛丁堡大學英語教學碩士University of Edinburgh in UK, MSc of TESOL
高雄市文藻外語學院Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in TW, BA of FLI
高雄市文藻外語學院國小教育學程Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in TW, Teacher Training Program
Experience經歷: |
台中市東海附屬國民中學小學部ESL教師 (present)
Specialties專長: |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
1. 「給孩子魚吃,不如教他釣魚」:強調孩子了解學習的技巧及方法,並非背誦及被動的學習英文。
2. 「以鼓勵取代責備」:建立孩子的自信心,讓孩子在英文方面有傑出的表現。
3. 「經師易求、人師難得」:以期許身為人師為目標,以身教及言教帶領孩子在品德、學習等方面都有正面的影響力。
Education學歷: |
National Taichung University of Science and Technology
Wenzau Ursuline College of Languages
Experience經歷: |
Wuci Elementary School 英語老師
Joy English School (Branch Ching Shui)英語老師
Specialties專長: |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
我的教學目標是讓每個來上課的小朋友都能一直保持對於學習英語的興趣,透過各種不同的教學活動來提升學生的英文程度,並配合課程安排的團隊遊戲合作中,讓孩子們自然而沒有學習焦慮地學習英語,我會盡量視孩子們不同的學習資質來給予他們適當的指導.看到孩子們的笑容與成長進步,永遠是我持續不斷教學的最大動力。 |
Education學歷: |
University of Central Missouri, M.A.T (Middle School-Language Arts)
Experience經歷: |
芝麻街美語-小學部英語教師、 國中部英文老師、全民英檢教師
Specialties專長: |
英文閱讀、英文故事、英文文法 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
語言的學習是慢慢累積,透過多元化及小組合作學習,能訓練孩子獨立思考、解決問題的能力,同時提升學習興趣,希望孩子們能以聽、說、讀、寫循序漸進的方式輕鬆愉快地學習語言。 |
Education學歷: |
Cambridge of University, Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
National Chung Cheng University, Adult and Continuing Education
Experience經歷: |
Future Heir Bilingual Elementary School: ESL teacher
Four Seasons English school: teaching children from preschool to elementary school levels
Gram English School: teaching children from starter to intermediate levels Gueishan Elementary School (in Taoyuang): teaching English and music
I have taught a range of students from kindergarten to high school ages since 2004. Specific test preparation classes have included TOEIC, TOEFL, GEPT and Gifted Class Entrance Exam.
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
building a strong rapport with my class.
Helping my pupils develop a good learning attitude, harmonious peer relationships and respect for teachers.
providing pupils with challenging and an appropriate curriculum for their levels.
caring about pupils’ character, attitude and schoolwork performance.
building an optimal balance of a student-centered and teacher-centered learning approach.
encouraging pupils to express themselves in English confidently, comfortably, accurately and fluently.
helping pupils to gain the ability to study independently.
making a noticeable improvement in every aspect of pupils’ learning.
making sure that every pupil feels the learning activities are fun and stimulating so that they are interested and involved in all lessons.
helping pupils to recognize when they are using bad English (AKA Chinglish) and helping them to gradually reduce the amount of Chinglish that creeps into their speech.
Education學歷: |
University of Oregon, BA
Experience經歷: |
台中市華登美語學苑ESL教師 |
Specialties專長: |
英語演講指導,日文,英語能力檢定指導 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
和孩子們建立互信互重的關係 |
Education學歷: |
私立靜宜大學 Providence University (Taichung, Taiwan)– TESOL
Trained Teacher Certificate in Teaching English
Experience經歷: |
台中市公立大秀國小 低中年級英文帶班教師
台中市公立中正國小 低中年級英文帶班教師
台北市佳音英語 ESL英文教師
台中市佳音英語 兒童美語教師
台中市吉的堡美語 兒童美語教師
台中市長頸鹿美語 兒童與全民英檢英文教師
台中市文理文教機構 英文教師
台中市劉毅 英文教師
台中市東海附屬國民小學英文教師 |
Specialties專長: |
English teaching (TESOL)
English Teaching Training Program – Grammar
English Teaching Training Program – Learning KK Phonetic Symbols with Mnemonic Approach
English Teaching Training Program – GEPT Expert Show
English Teaching Training Program – GEPT Elementary
Certificate of Achievement – Teacher Training Workshop of GEPT
Giraffe Cultural Enterprises – Dedicated to English teaching
National English Proficiency Test |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
教學理念有五,其一為”抱持激情”,才會有動力,才能感染自己和學生;其二為”做事專注”,做每件事情都要像一個釘子一樣一下鑽到底,做深、做透;其三為”執行力”,對事情不僅知道,更要做到;其四為”學習的習慣”,學習是最便宜的投資;其五為”反省的習慣”,事不過三,須經常反省自己的得失。只要走在前進的階梯上,不忘汗水背後的成果,不論何事皆樂觀面對,帶領著孩子一同創造美好的將來。 |
Education學歷: |
University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, M.S.
University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, B.A.
On-line Teaching and Learning
Certified by Graduate School of University of Central Missouri
(A Graduate Certificate Program Authorized by Missouri State Education Agent)
Experience經歷: |
Graduate Assistant-University of Central Missouri Library Services Harmon Computer Commons, Warrensburg, MO
Volunteer Ambassador-Children’s Literature Festival University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO
Specialties專長: |
Educational Technology |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Everyone is unique; every student needs to know his/her strengths. Students will be more successful if they can find out their own learning style based on their strengths. I would enjoy addressing students’ needs with a variety of activities and lesson plans, not just textbooks, which will help them to discover their learning style and make them more successful as students. |
Education學歷: |
Master Degree from St. Andrews University
B. A. from Providence University.
Experience經歷: |
文藻美語學校美語教師 英文科教師
李老師文理補習班 英文科教師
大學而文理補習班 英文科教師
培英幼稚園 美語老師
儒林文理補習班 英文科教師
成功外語中心 英文講師
立志升學補習班 英文科教師
親子田幼稚園 美語教師&美語主任
LINGO美語學校 美語老師
Elmwood College 兼任講師
Dundee College 兼任講師
朝陽大學 兼任英文講師
彰化師範大學 兼任英文講師
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
教授英文一直是我最喜歡工作,把我的知識傳授給孩子,讓孩子開心學習英文,喜歡英文。我相信開心學習所學的東西記憶會最深。 |
姓 名: |
HaoWen 鄭豪文 |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
E - MAIL : |
Education學歷: |
中央大學英文系畢業、英國Sheffiel Hallam University 文化政策與管理碩士 |
Experience經歷: |
東華大學專案華語教師,外交部外派語言教師 |
Specialties專長: |
自然發音,英文閱讀,英文文法,第二語言習得與心理 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
能用有趣的方式激發孩子的學習興趣,培養閱讀習慣,並能將英文應用在生活中,建立孩子學習的習慣,以及讓不同程度的孩子在課堂上可以彼此幫助,做到差異化教學。 |
Education學歷: |
.Brigham Young University, BA (English Literature/Secondary Education), with a minor in TESOL and the graduation honor of Magna Cum Laude
.Teaching License ( Grade 7-12) issued by the State of Hawaii
.Tutor Certificate: Reading/Writing Tutor Certificate, Master Level (certified by College Reading/Learning Association)
.Lifetime Member of Sigma Tau Delta (International English Honor Society)
.National Cheng-Chi University, Journalism and Business Administration, two years of BA credits.
Experience經歷: |
.Kalaheo High School (Hawaii, U.S.A): Student Teacher, Member of Senior Writing Committee
.San Francis High School (Taipei, Taiwan), English Conversation Teacher
.San Min Book Ltd. (Taipei, Taiwan), High School/College Textbook Editor |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
My teaching experiences have taught me that, in the world of effective teaching, scaffolding and rapport are two essentials, and that the success of a teacher is measured in part by how eclectic he or she is in adapting teaching strategies based on students' needs and differences. In addition, I've always believed that true learning happens when there is a mutual trust between the teacher and the learner. |
Education學歷: |
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan)
私立靜宜大學 Providence University (Taichung, Taiwan)
美國加州 Richard Gahr High School (Cerritos, USA)
美國加州 Faye Ross Junior High School (Cerritos, USA)
美國加州 Tetzlaff Junior High School (Cerritos, USA) |
Education學歷: |
.營造自然的學習環境,降低學習壓力 |
Education學歷: |
University of San Francisco, Master of Arts in TESOL
Kaohsiung Medical University, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Experience經歷: |
HP Inc.(Project Manager)
Great Language School (ESL Teacher)
Manhatton Bilingual Kindergarten (ESL Teacher)
State of Louisiana, U.S.A. Asia Trade Office(Project Manager)
美國路易斯安那州在台辦事處(專案經理) |
Specialties專長: |
Developing language skills through drawing, animation and music
將繪圖、 動畫與音樂融入課程,發展語言能力 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
• Applying multiple intelligence in teaching to enhance language acquisition 運用多元智能教學,增強語言習得
• Integrating technology in the classroom to make learning efficient and more interactive 教學結合科技,提升學習效率,增加互動
•Encouraging students to assist others through cooperative learning approach 藉由合作學習,鼓勵學生幫助他人
•Creating a low-anxiety and comfortable learning environment建立自在舒適的學習環境 |
Education學歷: |
University of Brighton (UK) English Language Teaching Master
Experience經歷: |
胡志明海外台商學校 國中部英語教師兼英文推廣組組長
溪湖國小英文中年級英文教師 |
Specialties專長: |
課程設計/英文朗讀/英文故事/英文發音練習 |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Be open-minded to students.
Provide a variety of teaching methods
The lesson would be mainly enjoyable, memorable, playful and imaginative.
Build up their interest and confidence in learning English. |
姓 名: |
Sean Graham |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
E - MAIL : |
Education學歷: |
National Tsing-Hua University - Hsinchu, Taiwan (R.O.C.) - June 2011
M.A., Anthropology
Thesis investigates how Hong Kong consumers understand and use Hong Kong Disneyland
Rollins College - Winter Park, FL - May2006
B.A., Anthropology; Minor: Asian Studies (Chinese culture concentration) Magna cum laude
Experience經歷: |
Guest Service Manager Shanghai Disney Resort 上海迪士尼度假區 November 2015 - November 2016
Led a team size with around 150 frontline Cast Members. Motivated and supervised them in achieving the business result Wrote and developed training materials and operating guideline manuals Acted as an intermediary between Chinese, Western and Disney Corporate Culture and provided translation services Native English Teacher Frobel International Institute 福祿貝爾國際文教機構 August 2014 - July 2015
Taught students ranging in age from nursery school up through middle school Designed and facilitated engaging English language classes Taught a range of topics in English including social studies, literature, history and the natural sciences
Corporate Operations Administrator Jaou-Yang Education Institute September 2013 - July 2014
Translated documents and live conversations from Chinese to English and English to Chinese
Coordinated scheduling for native English teachers and Taiwanese teachers
Produced language materials and operating procedures for study abroad programs
Native English Teacher Jaou-Yang Education Institute朝楊期補習班 May 2013 - September 2013
Designed and facilitated interactive English language acquisition games and activities Managed classroom environment
Adjunct Faculty Rollins College November 2011 - January 2013
Designed and facilitated classes on Chinese culture and the Disney organization Facilitated a class introducing American culture to Disney Chinese International Program Cast Members
Guest Relations Host and Tour Guide Walt Disney World January 2005 - July 2013
Provided immediate Guest Service recovery, assisted Guests with planning their day, performed ticket sales and recovery, provided park information and assisted Guests with disabilities Escorted VIP Guests on private tours of the park, provided dining reservations and helped ensure an efficient and unforgettable visit Facilitated guided tours of the park which included discussing operations, park and company history, culture and guest service
Relief Tour Administrator Walt Disney World November 2011 - July 2013
Coached Cast Members on best practices Supervised day operations of Magic Kingdom guided tours during the park’s busiest hours and seasons
Partnered with different lines of business to create efficient and show ready tour services
Trainer and Facilitator Walt Disney World August 2002 - July 2013
Facilitated the Magic Kingdom Cast Member orientation class “Once Upon a Time... is Now!” Trained new Cast Members on attractions focusing on the Four Key Basics Tutored Cast Members on new operational procedures
Specialties專長: |
Culture education, film editing and drama |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Education is a lifelong journey. The goal of a teacher is not simply to impart knowledge, but to fuel the spark that leads to a life full of inquisitiveness and love of learning. I believe an outstanding teacher is one who is a mentor; not simply an instructor, but an adviser who guides the student in their own discovery of knowledge. It is one thing to impart knowledge, it is something else to inspire an individual to enthusiastically seek out that knowledge on their own. A healthy appetite for learning leads to a healthy individual and world citizen. It is my goal to share my passion of lifelong learning with students. I nurture that spark of scholarship necessary for students to become world citizens. It is my honor and privilege to be an educator at Tunghai. |
姓 名: |
Deon |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
E - MAIL : |
Education學歷: |
Bachelor of Commerce, North-West University Potchefstroom, South Africa
Honnors of Commerce, specializing in bank risk management, North-West University Potchefstroom, South Africa |
Experience經歷: |
Financial Advisor in Midrand, South Africa (2002-2003)
High school computer science teacher in Ventersdorp, South Africa (2003-2004)
ESL teacher at Joy school in Daya, Taiwan (2004-2019) |
Specialties專長: |
GEPT, TOEFL and TOEIC training
Sports and computer science |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
My teaching philosophy is to make students excited about learning. In my experience, excited students are the most receptive to learning since they simply forget that they are learning. This may seem to be an overly simple philosophy, yet it has proven effective for all my years of teaching.
Education學歷: |
University of North Carolina- Asheville, NC Class of 1993
- Bachelor of Arts: English Language, Creative and Critical writing
Minor concentrations in fiction writing, French language, and history
International House- Bangkok, Thailand July 2012
- CELTA- Certificate for English Language Teaching of Adults. A course originated by Cambridge University. It is considered the preeminent course for ESL certification. Its focus is effective methodology and precise attention to individual learners’ needs.
Aston English School- Dalian, People’s Republic of China June 2007
- TEFL Certificate; A teacher training course covering the fundamentals of TEFL teaching; included practical teaching theory, class management, lesson planning, observation and student teaching
Asheville-Buncombe Community College- Asheville, North Carolina Jan.–April 2007
- Effective Teacher Training; United States Teaching Certification course for instruction, class management, adolescent intercommunication awareness, and lesson planning for primary and secondary schools.
Experience經歷: |
August 2011- Present
Tung Hai Experimental Elementary School, Taichung, Taiwan
- Teach grades 1-8
- Curriculum development, lesson planning and test preparation
- Student mentoring
September 2009- July 2011
Chung Dau International Bi-Lingual School, Zhuangwei, Taiwan
- Teach grades Kindergarten – Grade 9
- Reading, Writing, Phonics and Science
- Curriculum development, lesson planning and test preparation
- Student mentoring
September- December 2009, 2010
Tamkang University, Jiaosi, Taiwan
- English Seminar- conversation topics, dialog and language development
- TOEFL Test Training, test strategies and practice seminar
September 2008- July 2009
Baby House English School, Luodong, Taiwan
- Spoken and written English for teens and elementary age
March 2008- August 2008
#9 ShuDe High-School, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, People’s Republic of China
International Studies Program; Global Assessment Certificate
- Foundation course preparing students for overseas University study
- Subjects included composition, critical thinking, social and political studies
- Preparing students college admission applications
March 2008- August 2008
Meten International English Training, Chengdu, PRC
Simultaneous position with ShuDe
- ESL Business instructor: Meten is a school for University students and adult learners
- Salon, private, and VIP classes of 1 to 12 students
June 2008 – June 2009
Online Consultant- Tutor ABC
- Online interactive teaching for the Taiwan based school
- The course work is a PowerPoint teaching platform built for adult business learners
June 2007- February 2008
Aston English Schools, Dalian, Chengdu, China
- Taught Children ages 7-14 grammar and oral skills
- Developed classroom management skills and teaching style
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Teaching is a life choice for me, something I am driven to do. The needs of my students are always my first priority. I orchestrate a student centered classroom, where the teacher facilitates the student’s growth, leading them to ask and answer important questions for themselves.
I give the students the lexical tools to build their own English foundations, and also foster their innate confidence, to find their own voices and speak with strength and compassion.
I expect excellence from my students. I encourage them to demand excellence from themselves. I do this not for status or an exam score; I do it to empower them and by their individual thinking, create choices in their lives.
I am a self-starting, participative educator, experienced in a broad range of business, leadership, and multi-cultural experiences.
It is my pleasure and joy to be an educator at Tung Hai School. |
Education學歷: |
B.S. in Intercultural Studies from University of Northwestern St. Paul
(formerly Northwestern College) St. Paul, MN USA
Experience經歷: |
Taipei Language Institute, Taipei Taiwan, February 2015 – July 2015
- Applied English Teacher at Taipei Jingwen High School
- Conversational English Tutor
- Business English Tutor
BigByte Learning Institute, Taipei Taiwan, August 2009 – February 2015
- Teaching Affairs Department Specialist
- English Teacher (Elementary and Junior High)
Wharton, Taipei Taiwan, August 2008 – July 2009
- English Teacher (Elementary)
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
Learning is a lifelong endeavor. I hope to encourage students to be lifelong learners who take initiative in learning - about themselves and the world around them. The classroom is a place to guide, prepare and inspire. It should also be a safe place for students to ask questions and wonder about all they have yet to learn. I hope learning does not stop once students have walked out the door. If I can help plant a seed of curiosity and desire in students, or help water seeds that have already been planted, I will consider my teaching to be a success. |
姓 名: |
Eric |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
E - MAIL : |
Education學歷: |
Saba Institute
Yemen, Arabic Language Level 4 August 2014
YIAL Centre for Arabic studies August 2012
Yemen, Arabic Language level 3
Université de Tours, France
Maîtrise FLE (Master 1 in French as a Foreign Language) October 1994
TECOMAH Jouy-en-Josas, France
Master Degree in Business Management
One year training period (Journal Officiel)
ENILV La Roche-sur-Foron June 1987
Technical Degree (milk and dairy products)
Cambridge Proficiency (Equivalent of a CELTA)
Stevenson College of Further Education (Now called University of Stevenson)
Edinburgh – Scotland December 1984 |
Specialties專長: |
In Thailand:
I used to run the Sombumwit Elementary School English Drama Club in Bangkok. The group won the King Best Kids Drama Show Reward in 2002. The show was called « The Lost Pirates »
In Taiwan:
Boxing coach of Chin Hai Junoior High School in Quinshui Taichung.
I am a qualified national coach. |
Experience經歷: |
Full-time Elementary Teacher August 2015-February 2017
Chi Jen Elementary School
Yonghe New Taipei City
Grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Part-time Elementary English Teacher September 2014-June 2015
Liou Bao Elementary School in Da Ja Taichung
Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 teacher
French / English Teacher and Coordinator
September 2004-July 2014
Chia Yang High School– Taichung, Taiwan R.O.C
In charge of a team of a team of 8 foreign teachers
ESL and FLE Curriculum development and implementation
In charge of extra curriculum activities (Christmas show, open house, recruiting events...)
French and English teacher
Chia Yang Junior and Senior High School, Taiwan R.O.C
August 2002 – August2004
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
I thrive to convince my students that English is not only useful but also fun. Although learning a new language requires a long and demanding effort, the final reward is tremendously exciting. Being able to communicate in another language than your mother tongue opens new horizons.
Hence the use of games in the classroom to break the perception that all learning should be serious and solemn. However, I always try to adapt my teaching style to the various class levels I have to teach. (Fluency vs. Proficiency)
I also believe children must be taught how to think, not what to think. Finally I see it as my duty that the students respect their teacher and peers alike. Simple rules of good manner are also emphasized in my class. |
Education學歷: |
Bachelor of Arts in sociology from the University of Winnipeg |
Experience經歷: |
Since 1998 I have taught a range of Taiwanese students from kindergarten to high school ages, with particular focus on early childhood program instruction. Specific test preparation classes have included GEPT and TOEFL students of upper elementary to high school levels. It is a pleasure to have joined Tung Hai in January, 2014.
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
My ideal children’s classroom embodies a variety of settings including—sometimes literally and sometimes figuratively—a fertile tract of soil, a safely equipped laboratory, and an engaging playground. The essential growth, experimentation, competition and cooperation that can happen in these places mirror the life-long dynamics within families, workplaces, and society at large. As a teacher my challenge is to create a classroom where students can develop more than an awareness of facts and a series of test scores;
a confidence in their own problem solving abilities, an acceptance of their membership in social (and eco) systems and a motivation to be successful yet empathic contributors within them are among the lessons I seek to help Tung Hai students learn.
姓 名: |
Ryan Headington |

電 話: |
04-23590404 |
E - MAIL : |
Education學歷: |
University of Houston – C.T. Bauer College of Business
Bachelor of Business Administration |
Specialties 專長: |
ESL Teacher – Giraffe English, Taichung
ESL Teacher for Grades 1 - 6
ESL Teacher – Global Village Organization, Taichung
ESL Teacher for Teenagers/Adults
ESL Tutor– (Self Employed), Various Locations
Private English Tutor / Proofreader |
Experience經歷: |
Conversational English Teaching for Children and Adults |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
I believe that within the classroom all students should have fun while learning the English language. I like to incorporate games and activities that allow the material to remain both relevant and fun. I also strive to allow for students to express themselves and be able to take in the English language and the culture that accompanies it. |
Education學歷: |
The Evergreen State College and University of Washington Jackson School of International Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and East Asian Studies. |
Experience經歷: |
Approximately 15 years of experience. Wagor Bilingual Academy Elementary and Junior High: Over the course of five years I taught grades 5, 7-9 with a focus on students directly from public school. I designed materials and curriculum as well as GEPT, training, Speech training and Social Studies curriculum design.
Ling-tung University Office of Continuing Education: Conversation English and Curriculum Design.
Join-Me Language School: Lead teacher, teaching students between grade 1 and grade 8, teaching and GEPT training as well as curriculum design.
Taiwan Association of Greater Seattle: Public Relations and Education Coordinator. Designing educational media and presentations highlighting Taiwan. Working in close cooperation with government representatives of both the ROC and the USA as well as educators to help the Seattle Taiwanese community.
Specialties專長: |
I specialize in teaching grammar and writing as well and helping students who are having difficulties learning. GEPT and TOEFL prep. I also specialize in crafting special projects to promote English acquisition through creative exploration. |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
I believe in balancing a communicative approach with a solid structure in the basics and grammar. Moreover, I try to provide students with a variety of avenues to express themselves in English to better take advantage of each student’s strengths. Students all have strong points that need to be recognized. My chief goal is not simply to spark and build an interest in learning English, but to spark an interest in the act of learning itself. Children will learn at their own pace and should always be encouraged to find the joys in learning wherever they can. The process is often more valuable than simply the net result of a test. |
Education學歷: |
Rondeboschboys preparatory and high school
University of Cape Town, Michaelisschool of fine art – bachelors in fine art (BAFA)
Admitted to Masters of Fine art programme, University of Cape Town
Cape Town school of English – TESOL certification
Experience經歷: |
University of Cape Town – 1st, 2nd, 3rd year theory and philosophy (2004-2005)
Queens Park High school – grade 8 to 12, Art and Technology Head of Department (2006-2012)
Shane English school (Fengyuan, Taiwan) – kindergarten to adult classes (2012-2014) |
Specialties專長: |
Art and music education, event production and coordination, extra-curricular sports coach. |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
The general focus for my classes will be to create an interactive and dynamic learning experience grounded in the fundamentals of comprehension, reading, speaking and writing. I look forward to the challenges of making a classroom environment for my students that is both respectful and disciplined while maintaining an ethos of fun and creativity. The ability for any of my students to think on a conceptual level (or ‘out of the box’) is key and something that I will try to develop and encourage. I have always felt that English is a multifaceted subject and that a number of approaches for teaching it will be required. |
Education學歷: |
Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy and History, Rhodes University, South Africa
Certificate in Business Management, Rhodes University, South Africa
RYT 200 Yoga Instructor, Yoga House, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Experience經歷: |
Business Economics and Life Orientation Teacher, Queens High School, South Africa (2001 – 2002)
Seasonal Camp Counselor, Campus Kids Connecticut, United States, (2001 – 2002)
ESL Teacher, Sesame Street English, Tainan (2006 – 2011)
ESL Teacher, Rising Sun English Academy, Miaoli (2011 – 2012)
ESL Teacher, Victoria American School, Miaoli (2012 – 2013)
Children’s Yoga Instructor, Victoria American School, Miaoli (2012 – 2013) |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
I have, in one capacity or another, been teaching ever since I graduated from high school. As this accounts for over fourteen years’ worth of experience, I have come to develop a teaching methodology which not only focuses on the students’ language acquisition skills, but also on their development as well-equipped human beings. This methodology is built on both pragmatic and imaginative levels, the combination of which seeks to informfactually as well as offer students the opportunity to manipulate what they have learnt in a creative context. It is an approach that I have found to work well, and has consistently produced confident, well-informed, and thoughtful students who are able to gauge their roles as people in a worldly way rather than just a localized one. I thoroughly look forward to meeting, teaching, and learning from those I come into contact with at Dong Hai, and envisage a productive time while doing so. |
Education學歷: |
MA TESOL – Portland State University – 2007
BA Psychology – Eastern Oregon University – 1999
Experience經歷: |
National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung City, Taiwan
Contract Lecturer
July 2015 – July 2016
ELITE Language Center, Hsinchu City and Taichung City, Taiwan
English Instructor
April 2011 - Present
William Language School, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
English Instructor
March 2011 – July 2015
Specialties專長: |
TOEFL and IELTS Test Preparation
IELTS Speaking Exam |
Teaching Ideologies 教學理念: |
As an educator, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for my chosen occupation. It is difficult for me to imagine doing another job that I would find as personally rewarding and challenging as teaching. Teaching consistently presents opportunities to help me evolve and grow in my craft. There are always new skills to learn, from how to best reach out to and assist new students in my classes, to staying abreast of the latest in language instruction pedagogy and it’s real-world, classroom application. To be a quality teacher, one has the duty of being a life-long learner. This space for continued personal and professional growth is in itself a priceless benefit. Educating is also a personally worthwhile and gratifying career. I feel a full sense of satisfaction from my students’ growth and development both as individuals and as competent users of English. I happily look forward to many more productive years pursuing this career path. When it comes to the students and their learning, I think the classroom should be a safe and supportive environment where they can feel free to achieve their full potential. Students should each be recognized for their unique mix of skills and abilities.